The customers of a business are the most important asset a company can have. Depending on the type of industry, a company may sell to the same customers over and over. There are other types of businesses that sell to a customer once or infrequently and are constantly looking for new customers. By engaging the right people and data, a business can use our research to position itself in the market and predict where the market will go in the future.
label_important It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data label_important
Arthur Conan Doyle
label_important Design is not just what it looks like and feels like - design is how it works label_important
Steve Jobs
label_important Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change label_important
Stephen Hawking
Marketlayer Limited is an independent and integrated London based direct marketing company.
With over 20 years database management and direct marketing expertise, Marketlayer is focused on the creation and delivery of high quality data driven marketing solutions for our clients.
label_important The future depends on what you do today label_important
Mahatma Gandhi
Studio 1.35 East London Works
75 Whitechapel Road
London E1 1DU
label_important Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek label_important
Martin Luther King